2010 Chasing the Sun Trip

Day 10 – Hanging around the Tetons

Barn at the Grand Tetons

I awoke this morning to a chilling 37 degrees, Sleeping in my car at the Gros Ventre campground for about 4 hours, it was too cold to sleep with just a blanket and the sleeping bag was under a bunch of other stuff and not worth the hassle for another hour of sleep.   After putting on another shirt, two pullovers and a heavy jacket starting the car and turning on the heat full blast I finally started to warm up.  I had to store my peanut butter and jelly in a bear box near the restrooms the night before so I retrieved that.  I had arrived at the park about 12:30 or so I had not seen anything in the dark.  Once I left the campground it was still dark but I knew the road where I was going just not the exact location.  Finally I found the infamous barn located on Mormon Row.  Now he sun started to come up and a magnificent mountain range of snow capped peaks lay before me.  Everything else has really paled in comparison so far.  Maybe it is because the valley is flat and so the mountains really stand out in the distance.  I photographed the barn for over an hour with frozen hands but a happy heart.  There were other photographers there too although most showed up late and missed the great coloring in the mountains.  I was just about to wrap up and go to another location when one of the other photographers yelled “Bear, bear!” I looked up and saw a black or brown bear scampering down the road into the field about 300 feet away.   I wasn’t prepared for the shot and never even brought the camera to my eye.  However it was not the only opportunity I would have to photograph a bear this day.  


I decided I wanted to catch reflections of the Tetons and decided I should head to Jenny lake, not knowing my way around I ended up at the boat launch because I hadn’t actually seen the lake yet and figured the boat ramp road would get me there eventually.  It did but the sun was already pretty high so I won’t know how well they tuned out till I see them on a bigger screen.  I ended up hiking around Jenny Lake to Hidden Falls not knowing I could ride a ferry and save a tremendous amount of time, I did ride the ferry back across.


I decided it was time to find a place to stay.  On the way back to Jackson to get lodging I got caught in what they call a “Bear Jam” Where motorists pull over because they spotted a bear.  I jumped out and got a few photos but I don’t think they will turn out.  About 5 miles after that I got caught in what I assume they call a buffalo jam because it was the same thing but with buffalo instead of bear. I grabbed a few shots of the Buffalo and I think I may have 1 or 2 okay shots. I met a nice couple that lived in Cleveland, Georgia just south of Helen where Nikki and I went on vacation last year.  Cleveland, Georgia is famous for being the birth place of the Cabbage Patch Doll.  While Helen, where Nikki and I stayed, if famous for being a little german town which has more german authenticity then the Gatlinburg has.


After the various animal jams I continued to Jackson.  The area right now is inundated with cyclists as they have some sort of big race here this time of year.  I finally found the last male bunk at the “The Hostel” here in Teton Village.  The accommodations are not the greatest but they will work and provide me with a hot shower and a warm bed.  


I ended up eating at the Mangy Moose Saloon.  They are on a limited menu because of the crowd and the race.  I ordered a very delicious 12” pizza and ended up eating the whole thing (I had not eat for over 24 hours as I have been in my photographer mindset).  I am now back at the hostile burning off DVDs to help empty the hard drive on this computer which was almost filled with pictures and video.


Well I think I will hit the hay.