2010 Chasing the Sun Trip

Day 15 (Part 2) – Starting the Trip Home

Brian at Waterton Lake

Brian at Waterton Lake

Well I am writing this now after already being home a day.  But I wanted to go ahead and finish up the blog so here goes.  I left Canada and it was just too foggy, rainy, and generally wet to try to photograph anymore in Glacier National Park.  Just before leaving Waterton it had gotten real windy and the temperature was dropping anyway.  I was on the lookout for a dock to photograph from and the wind just got to a point it would cut through your layer of clothes pretty quick.  I needed to leave soon as the border closed at 6pm anyway.  I proceeded to Glacier thinking I would get my last stamp in my national park passport book but unfortunately the visitors center had closed.  With nothing left on the itinerary I headed home.  I drove till the wee hours of the morning and ended up sleeping in my car at an overlook to Billings, Montana.  It was a nice spot and a lot of truckers had parked there too for the evening.